It implies that the cause of the problem is more or less known and that it is organic in nature. This, in turn, implies that the problem is not a case of malingering, primarily psychological in nature, or under the patient’s direct control, and that, therefore, the patient is entitled to the sick role and its benefits. Calling a problem “a disease” also generally brings it under the jurisdiction of physicians, whose primary expertise is in the Sober House body and its defects, thereby encouraging pursuit of characteristically medical modes of treatment and management. These ways of handling human problems can have negative consequences, especially if the problem at hand is actually medically unexplained or a non-disease. For these and other reasons, it is important to avoid applying the appellation “disease” to phenomena that do not fit the definition of that term (Roberts, forthcoming).

a biopsychosocial approach to substance abuse

Topical Collection on Anxiety Disorders

Second, and connected, regulatory mechanisms can break down, allowing foundational distinctions between life and death, health and disease, that are unavailable in physics and chemistry. Third, the same kind of theoretical apparatus used in biology (function, organization, regulation and dysregulation, information, production, and distribution) is also used in the psychological and social sciences – as reviewed below. The prominent belief several decades ago was that addiction resulted from bad choices stemming from a morally weak person. In fact, in 1956, the American Medical Association declared alcoholism a disease that should be addressed with medical and psychological approaches (Mann et al., 2000).

The Biopsychosocial Approach: Towards Holistic, Person-Centred Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing Practice

Specifically, compared with those who remained within the TC for under 3 months and 3–6 months, participants residing at the TC for over 9 months reported 60% fewer drinking days at 3 months (Figure 3). At 9 months, a significant 48% reduction in drinking days was found for participants staying over 9 months compared with those who stayed 3–6 months. No significant LOS group differences were found for the average number of Standard Drinks consumed per drinking day, for drug dependence (SDS), or for alcohol dependence (SADQ), after correcting for multiple comparisons.

  • (These arguments, it is important to note, also rely on the appeal-to-authority maneuver described above).
  • As White (1996) notes, the drug culture teaches the new user “how to recognize and enjoy drug effects” (p. 46).
  • Secondly, consistent with other residential treatment studies [9,14,15,16,23], length of stay (LOS) predicted improved outcomes, with the data generally showing a linear ‘dose–response’ relationship, with maximal gains for individuals who stayed in the TC for over 9 months.

FAQs – Understanding the Biopsychosocial Model in Substance Abuse on the ASWB Exam

  • Thus, the production of a new and expansive public health problem in the “gun violence disease” discourse has the potential to significantly increase the power of the state, and not just that of the medical field per se.
  • An individual’s stress hormones (cortisol and adrenaline) are chronically elevated (Burke Harris, 2018; van der Kolk, 2014).
  • In sum, the BPSM, as a conceptual framework, has expanded the parameters of medical research and practice in some helpful ways.
  • In addition, impaired neuropsychological functioning and co-occurrence of psychiatric co-morbidity need to be screened and managed in individuals with SUDs.

Furthermore, some communities are targeted more heavily with alcohol and tobacco advertisements and have more availability of drugs of abuse than others, particularly impoverished communities (Primack et al., 2007; Rose et al., 2019). Therefore, the social environment in which one exists contributes to their risk of addiction. Substance use disorders could lead to impaired cognitive functioning and it is important to assess the baseline and changes in the neuropsychological performance and behavior of a person undergoing treatment, or as part of research. The neuropsychological functioning of a person can determine what sort of treatment approach will be best of a person, what will be the best rehabilitative plan, what kind of management strategy should be employed and what is the prognosis. Table 1 outlines the list of instruments that can be used to assess neuropsychological performance. Using assessment tools is an important aspect of management and research in addiction psychiatry.

  • According to Slade et al., the NIH “funding opportunity was effectively a rallying call to apply the full expanse of the biopsychosocial model (Engel 1977) to an epidemiologic study of painful TMD” (Slade et al. 2016, 1085).
  • This chapter aims to explain that people who use drugs participate in a drug culture, and further, that they value this participation.
  • Some informants had experiences of dire housing conditions and a partner who also used substances and was violent.
  • Engel wants to argue that schizophrenia is a medical disease—that is, a problem falling under medicine’s purview—and that, if we carefully consider this disease’s properties (along with those of several other ailments) we will see that medicine ought to embrace his BPSM.

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Understanding the Biopsychosocial Model in Substance Abuse