Cinnamon is one of the oldest spices and most popular spices, and has been used for millennia both for its flavoring and medicinal qualities. In ancient Egypt, it was used to fill body cavities of corpses as an embalming agent. In ancient Rome it was considered so valuable that the Emperor Nero burned a year’s supply on his wife’s funeral pyre as proof of his devotion to her.
Cinnamon is known for its various chemical construct which has been amazing power of healing . The term ‘Healing Herb’ has been given for Cinnamon due to its main two chemicals Cinnamaldohide and Euglnol which has been used as a medicinal plant as early as 2700B.C by the Chinese.
Romans have been using Cinnamon as a cure for cold and flu and to heal the problems in digestive system too. From the ancient scriptures it has been able to identify that the Cinnamon has been aided in healing digestive issues, constipation, menstrual problems, stiff joints and muscles, arthritis, urine infection and tooth decay and gum diseases.
The following diagram highlights the national value of Cinnamon per 100g.
National value of Cinnamon
As per the recent studies it has been proven that the Cinnamon has an effect on mainly three diseases which can lead to healing following diseases.
Cure for Diabetes
The increasing blood sugar level is a major life threatening non contagious disease. Through the research Cinnamon has been able to control the blood sugar level. According to these studies daily intake of 1, 3, 6, grams of Cinnamon has been able to reduce the fasting blood sugar level by 18% -29%. Also these Cinnamon intake has been able to reduce the LDH Cholesterol level by 7- 27 and total Cholesterol level by 12-6.
Cure for Cancer
Cinnamon has anti-inflammatory and a particular component in Cinnamon has been able to fight off the cancer cells and slowing tumour growth. Mainly the Cinnamon oil has been showumhg promising results on the wake of curing Gastric cancers and Melanomas. The facts were supported as Sugar is an enhancer for cancer cells Cinnamon will, be controlling this effect by controlling the blood sugar level.
Cure for Alzhermier Disease
More and more aging adults have been facing the threat of Alzhemeir Disease which incurs memory loss. As per a research done in 2009 it revealed that the Ceylon Cinnamon has the inhibitory properties of Cinnamon and leads to formation of Protients and Filaments.
Arthritis/Osteoporosis- A study done by the Copenhagen University it was found that the many personal experiences related to reducing the pain of Arthritis by the use of Cinnamon. Although this is still in the research stage, it has been cited many times that drinking Cinnamon tea and massaging using Cinnamon oil can reduce the pain by Athritis.
Lowers cholesterol
Diabetics can also reduce their risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease by consuming even one daily gram (about 1/3 teaspoon) of cinnamon. One 2003 USDA study found that after 40 days of eating between just 1 and 6 grams of cinnamon (about 2 teaspoons), type 2 diabetics were not only able to reduce their blood sugar levels by 18-29%, but also lowered their triglycerides by 23-30%, their LDL (bad) cholesterol by 7 to 27% and total cholesterol by 12-26%.
Supports healthy blood clotting
Much research has been devoted to cinnamon’s effect on blood platelets which contribute to clotting. It helps thin the blood and prevent unwanted clumping of platelets. It is so effective as an anticoagulant that patients taking prescription blood thinners are warned not to take cinnamon in concentrated form such as supplements or extracts.
Boosts memory and protects the brain.
Chewing cinnamon flavored gum or just smelling the sweet spice has been found to improve brain activity. Research led by Dr. P. Zoladz and presented at the 2004 meeting of the Association for Chemoreception Sciences, in Sarasota, Florida concluded that cinnamon enhances cognitive processing and was found to improve test subjects scores related to attention, memory and visual-motor speed when working at a computer.
A 2011 study suggested that it may have a role in reducing the kind of chronic inflammation that leads to various neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, brain tumor, and meningitis.
Improves digestion
In traditional Chinese medicine, cinnamon has been used for flatulence, nausea and diarrhea. It is also believed to improve the body’s ability to digest fruit, milk and other dairy products.
Both cassia and real cinnamon are often labeled the same in North America. The true Ceylon version will be more expensive, and it will be a lighter shade of brown, a finer powder and have a sweeter scent. When buying the sticks, known as “quills,” keep in mind that, generally, cassia will be thicker and the two ends will be rolled toward each other rather than being rolled in one direction only.